Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This is my newest art work, its not finished yet so I thought I would throw it up here for now. I will be trying different things with this one but my basic plan is to water color it. I been working on my drawing skills right now I am trying to get into more relistic nudes because I really need to work on my bodies. But this was just a fun thing I did to pass sometime. I realize her torso is off and I think maybe her shoulders a but to but I am working on it over all I like it once I paint it I think it will probably be much better of course its very flat at this point because its just an out line anyway. Anyway any ideas on how to make it better are always encourged :)


  1. Dev,

    This is great! It's very different then what I pictured. It seems much more mature/thought out than your normal work. I like how you placed the window and alter in the center of the picture (but not the direct center) and how you allowed the people to be slightly off center. I think if we used the golden ratio as measurement, this image would be close to matching. Which is very difficult to do! Most people work and re-work pictures trying to obtain the golden ratio compostion.


  2. Wow, Thank you so much. You don't know how much that means coming from a wonderful artist such as yourself :) I am glad I was able to accomplish the golden ratio with out knowing that's what I was doing.
