Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hands there my own .. and they suck

More home work today I drew hands and I suck at hands but I swear I will draw these until I get better. anyway there they are in all there messed up glory. Okay maybe there not that bad.

1 comment:

  1. first one - .. you make the mistake of all the fingers being the same length
    and the thumb... its missing the bottom knuckle that connects it to the hand its just kinda... hangin there
    hand 2.. better, i see you avoided the other fingers there but the same problem with the thumb connected to the hand. its better formed but the thumb/ wrist area there.. needs work
    hand number three looks like the hand of a primate giving a high five. the pinky side - good, the fingers are a little fatter up top than they should be but its good, just the thumb... you have a thumb problem.
    i like the fourth one you put more effort into that it looks like, the thumb and wrist are good
    but now its the pinky side thats a little funky.
    you did well showing the structure of all the fingers and nails. thats the best one so far
    then the fist of fury ... no complaints on that
    grant that you cropped most of it. but the thumb and the fingers, the palm look really good. i'd like to see how the thumb connected to the hand but its cut out. other than that.. another really good one.

